• Semper Fidelis: Latin for “always faithful.”
” Semper Fidelis symbolizes the lifelong commitment held by every Marine for the Corps and America, a promise reciprocated by the Corps to all Marines.”
• Ooh-rah: A battle cry among Marines, ‘Ooh-rah’ can be used as a greeting, a term of affirmation, or as a way of expressing enthusiasm.
• Ductus Exemplo: A Latin term that means “lead by example,” Ductus Exemplo is the official motto of Officer Candidates School (OCS). It means that being a Marine isn’t about giving or receiving orders; it’s about behaving in a manner that inspires others.
“Courage is the mental, moral, and physical strength ingrained in Marines. It carries us through the challenges of combat and aids in overcoming fear. It is the inner strength that enables us to do what is right, to adhere to a higher standard of personal conduct, and to make tough decisions under stress and pressure.”
“Marines live by a set of enduring core values that form the bedrock of our character. These values guide our actions and bolster our resolve. Honor, courage, and commitment lead us to victory over the physical, mental, and moral battles faced during combat, or while serving in our communities on behalf of our Nation. These are the values that ensure every fight in current and future battles supports our common moral cause.”
“Honor guides Marines to exemplify the ultimate in ethical and moral behavior. Never lie, cheat, or steal; abide by an uncompromising code of integrity; respect human dignity and others. Honor compels Marines to act responsibly, to fulfill our obligations, and to hold ourselves and others accountable for every action.”
I come from what one would call a “military Family”. My family The Dunn and Dominick sides had almost every branch covered, that’s right every branch. I’ll start with my dad, he enlisted in the Marines during the Vietnam War age 18- 1968. Two of my dad’s three brothers were in the military. Danny in the Army (during the Korean War) & Bobby in the Marines (also a deceased Vietnam Veteran). Actually, when my dad was deployed and arrived in Vietnam, his brother Bobby was sent home. My dad’s mother, Nana Dunn was in the Army during WW2…..the jokester my dad was, he always said “My momma wore combat boots” to which he always followed up with “No seriously, she did.” Carrying on. My mom’s dad, Grampa Pappy was in the Navy during WW2 on a destroyer in hostile Russian waters- 1943. Mom’s two brothers Johnny & Teddy were (are) both Marines. Yes, once a Marine always a Marine. Other great uncles were in the Navy as well as cousins in the Navy & Air Force. My stepdad Jack was in the Army. I think we are just missing The Coast Guard and the new addition, Space Force. Of all the branches our family covered, the Marines were definitely a different breed. I can confidently say that having been raised by a Marine and the niece to 3 Marine uncles. Remind me to tell the story about Uncle Teddy lining us kids up on the curb at attention shortly after he returned from the base. I certainly am not saying other branches are any less than the Marines. That would be an ignorant statement. However, there is definitely an almost brainwashing, ok there is a brainwashing that happens to each and every Marine. Why is that you might ask? Well, did you know that United States Marines are…..
“The first in and the last out.” And “No greater friend, No worse enemy than a Marine”. It’s safe to say they earn their cockiness. Their boasting and swagger are worn visibly every day of their lives. They have made such an impact throughout the world, proving peace, safety, and security. The expression ” Once a Marine, always a Marine ” is not just a saying. It in fact is lived up to throughout generations of Marines. In my experience with my dad, he fulfilled this honor until his last breath. My dad was also ready, willing, but so unfortunately unable to fulfill his oath in his later years due to his declining and deteriorating health. But, you would never be able to convince him otherwise. In the months leading up to my dad’s passing, Mike once asked my dad if he wanted him to take his firearm from him (that was always kept at his bedside). My dad’s response was quick, sharp, and stern “NO, they’ll have to pry it out of my dead hands”. Note taken Mike, note taken.
“There is no better symbol for the purpose we serve than the emblem every Marine earns”. The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor, which has represented the title every Marine has earned since 1868. The eagle represents the proud Nation we defend. It stands at the ready with our coastlines in sight and the entire world within reach of its outstretched wings. The globe represents our worldwide presence, impact, and reputation as a fighting force that wins on behalf of our Nation’s people and progress. The anchor points both to the Marine Corps naval heritage and its ability to access any battleground across any coastline in the world. Together, the eagle, globe, and anchor symbolize our commitment to defend our Nation and advance its ideals”.
I don’t care if my comment sounds political, if it is – so be it. While our country has open borders and criminals, terrorists and just awful, evil people in general mix their way into our country- immediately services are provided. Medical care, housing, education, financial assistance. We send billions to countries such as Ukraine and other foreign lands. We hear talk about “reparations” in California for slavery. Yet, not 1 person screaming for this was directly impacted. There’s not one person still alive who was associated to that time. But, still they fight for it. And they will receive it no doubt. I ask this of our country- When will we come together collectively as a country and fight for the forgotten ones? When will Vietnam Veterans receive justice? When will the ones who were willing to lay their lives down for you and I – when will their service and sacrifice be honored? Will we ever make them a priority in our country? They were spray & betrayed 50+ years ago. They were poisoned & for decades it was ignored. They were dishonored. They’ve suffered since their late teens and thousands-their entire adult life. It’s time the suffering is noticed by the country, our country. The country they defeated and fought for. The country they would have gave their lives for. They did give their lives. Thousands died overseas in Vietnam. While thousands returned home to die a slow, isolated and forgotten death.

What can you do? Keep every family member in your prayers as they watch their loved one suffer. As they say their last goodbyes. Like my dad, pray for those who are already deceased and never saw justice, but a family member is now in the fight. We need your prayers and support. We need Americans to be aware of what our own government has done. Not 1 of us asked for any of this. There is no amount of money that will ever bring my dad back. That is a very difficult thing for me to come to terms with. It is even worse knowing this never had to happen.
Semper Fi- a life long commitment held by every Marine for the Corp & America. A promise reciprocated by the Corps to every Marine. The saddest part of betrayal- it doesn’t come from your enemies, it comes from those you trust the most.